metamuffin's personal website

About 1739237912646 milliseconds have passed since midnight of the january the first in 1970.
                li { a[href=""] { "keks-meet" } }


pub fn r_contact() -> DynScaffold<'static> {
    Scaffold {
        title: "contact".to_string(),
        content: markup::new! {
            p { "You can reach out to me in a bunch of ways. I am also generally looking for nice software ideas to implement." }
            ul {
                li { "matrix: " a[href=""]{""} }
                li { "fedi: " a[href=""]{""} }
                li { "electronic mail: " a[href=""]{""} }
                li { "telepathy: come on, just try hard enough" }

pub fn r_stuff() -> DynScaffold<'static> {
    Scaffold {
        title: "stuff".to_string(),
        content: markup::new! {
            h1 { "Stuff" }
            p { "I use arch btw." }