metamuffin's personal website

About 1738755841604 milliseconds have passed since midnight of the january the first in 1970.
    Project {
        name: "pfadfinder",
        status: Paused(Working),
        description: "parallel anytime A* for openstreetmap with custom frontend and integration into the existing one.",
    Project {
        name: "video-codec-experiments",
        status: Paused(Working),
        description: "a few attempts of creating my own video codecs, making use of motion compensation, dct, quantization and more. ",
    Project {
        name: "pixelflut tools",
        status: Paused(Working),
        description: "the programs I hacked together when playing pixelflut. includes GPU-acceleration for updating the canvas with minimal bandwidth usage.",
    Project {
        name: "attocc",
        status: Paused(Unfinished),
        description: "minimal C compiler in C",
    Project {
        name: "trash-proxy",
        status: Maintained,
        description: "A minecraft reverse proxy for offline authentification.",