metamuffin's personal website

About 1713530295087 milliseconds have passed since midnight of the january the first in 1970.

    let frame = ts / mspf;
    let frame_off = ts % mspf;

    tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis((mspf - frame_off) as u64)).await;

    let mut out = String::new();
    out += &format!(
        "About {} milliseconds have passed since midnight of the january the first in 1970.\n",
    out += "------------------------------------------------------\n";
    for i in frame..frame + 30 {
        out += &text.0[(i % text.0.len() as u128) as usize];
        out += "\n";
    Reload(Scaffold {
        title: "Source".to_string(),
        content: markup::new! { pre { @out } },

    Contents of "projects/"
use self::data::{EXTRA_PROJECTS, PROJECTS};