metamuffin's personal website

About 1733278632265 milliseconds have passed since midnight of the january the first in 1970.
        description: "server monitoring software, no much code written so far",
    Project {
        name: "voxelwagen",
        status: Paused(Unfinished),
        description: "voxel game engine made from scratch; made to host an automation game.",
        repo_link: Some(""),
pub const EXTRA_PROJECTS: &'static [Project] = &[    
    Project {
        name: "pbot",
        status: Developing,
        description: "Opinionated rust library for writing high-level chatbots that concurrently run on multiple messengers.",
    Project {
        name: "karlender",
        status: Paused(Working),
        description: " a personal calender suite consisting of a daemon, a graphical and a command-line user interface. supports very flexible condition based recurring tasks and automatic scheduling so you dont need to decide.",
    Project {
        name: "bad-editor",
        status: Paused(Unfinished),
        description: "A really bad editor",