About 1727994722226 milliseconds have passed since midnight of the january the first in 1970. ------------------------------------------------------ use crate::source::rocket_uri_macro_r_source; use crate::uri; use markup::{raw, Render}; use rocket::{ http::ContentType, response::{self, Responder}, Request, Response, }; use std::io::Cursor; markup::define! { ScaffoldImpl<Main: Render>( title: String, main: Main, noimg: bool, ) { @markup::doctype() html[lang="en"] { head { title { @title " - " "metamuffin's website" } meta[name="viewport", content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"]; meta[name="description", content="metamuffin's personal website"]; // TODO link[rel="stylesheet", href="/style.css"]; } body { @if !noimg { img[ src="https://s.metamuffin.org/avatar/default-512.webp", alt="a muffin with purple glowing regions where a 3d vornoi function using chebychev distance exceeds some threshold", align="left", height=80,